This reporter has been trying to awaken the Govt and help it in identifying such places.
Hope the Govt will realise the importance of this spot in the pictures above called “JANTROON DHAAR” in Chiralla area of Bhaderwah constitiency of tehsil Thathri in Doda district and show some activism in exploring it by bringing it under tourism map. The need is to constitute a ‘Jantroon Development Authority (JDA) at the earliest and start the work, so atleat the tourists can start visiting this scenic spot from the next season and feel the nature more closely. Hope the men in Govt without anypoliticking will try to contribute towards the development of this beauitifullplace. Let us see whose name appears on the foundation stone at ‘Jantron Dhaar’first that will be remembered by generations for decades, better if young ChiefMinister (CM), Omar Abdullahhimself takes the lead, this will help himpolitically also as National Conference (NC) have never been able to show itsmight in Bhaderwah constituency, beacuse, none of its men ever tried to payattention towards villagers and villages which constututes a major chunk ofvoters instead they remained focussed towards residential localities likeBhaderwah only, so time has come to show the change now as only three years areleft ahead for the elections.
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