A latest study revealed that the word “Gujjar” has been originated in Turkey and initially used by Turks of Central Asia in third millennium BC. In Turkish language the word “Gujjar” was spelled as “Göçer” which stand for a dominant ethnic group who were later turned into a seasonal pastoralist nomad , said a report based on the study conducted by Tribal Research and Cultural Foundation a National Organization working on Gujjars of Indian States.
Releasing the study , Dr. Javaid Rahi, National Secretary of Tribal Foundation said that new research has proved that the Gujjar race had remained a most vibrant identity of Central Asia in BC era and later ruled over many princely states in northern India for hundred of years and left their imprints in the Himalayan ranges and inscribed them in such a way that they could not be destroyed even after thousand of years.
The study further revealed that the 5000 year history Gujjars unexpectedly resembles with the tribes of Turkic origins who left for Koh-e kaf during the era of Christ along with their, camels and other domestic animals.
The study further said that in Jammu and Kashmir state “Turk” is one of the important cast (Gotra) of Gujjars and hundreds of Turk Gujjars are residing in different districts of Kashmir Valley.
Study said in Gojri there are a number words which are Trkish origin thereby linking the Gujjars history with Turks. Even this is surprising that the Tribal Folk-Art and Costumes of Nomadic Gujjar still resembles with that of Trakish tribe.
The anthropological study said that the physical feature and facial expressions of Gujjars amazingly resembles to that Turkish Tribals.
The study further said that one Göçer (Gujjar) Khan, of Turkistan was a commander in Babur’s army and he had done a remarkable work in binding various ethnic groups.
Dr. Rahi further told that the Foundation is in correspondence with and seeking help from Turkic mission in India regarding conducting a genetic survey of Gujjars to establish their roots in Central Asia from where they are believed to migrated different parts of the world especially to the sub continent.
The study further said in Central Asia places like Gurjarni, Gujari Pil, Gujreti are named after the name of Gujjars clan or Gots linking this ethinic group with its routs.
The study suggested that the scholars, anthropologists and
historians of the countries like Turkey , Georgia, Iran, Pakistan, India etc. should come forward and should study this connection through anthropological, archaeological and historical evidence.
The conclusion of the study stressed for an inter-disciplinary and indepth research at national and international level with the help of these countries. so to study the rich culture of these nomads.