Rehabilitation of 25 evicated families demanded
Various Gujjar Organizations of Jammu and Kashmir today advised the nomadic community not to vacate lands under their possession till the state rehabilitates them in a lawful manner. Interacting with 25 evicted families of the Gujjars who had forcibly dispossessed from the forest land adjoining Devak bridge near Vijaypur yesterday, the leaders of different organizations impressed upon all the heads of nomads “Dera’s” not succumb to any pressure what so ever to leave their land. The leaders urged the Chief Minister Omar Abdullah to intervene in the matter and restore the land in favour of displaced families of Nomadic Gujjars without any delay. “In J&K more than 95% of “nomadic Gujjars” are landless, shelter less and are denied of dwelling rights on forest lands which they are using as traditional inhabitants for centuries together” said Dr. Javaid Rahi, National Secretary of Tribal Research and Cultural Foundation a premier organization of Gujjars. Dr. Rahi said implementation of Forest Right Act can only redress the "historical injustice" committed against Gujjars- the major dwellers and conservators of forests Due to the presence article 370 this Act can not be extend directly to J&K without a legislation and impressed upon state government
to issue an SRO immediately in this regard so as to provide rights on forests to dwelling communities over the land and other resources, denied to them over decades, Dr. Javaid Rahi further said. Mohammad Anwar Chowdhary State president of Gujjars United Front a frontal organization said we are demanding similar rights on Forests, constitutionally been made available to other scheduled tribe communities in Indian states after enactment of Forest Rights Act 2006. He said in whole country under forest act all the tribals groups are enjoying four types of rights on forests — title rights that grant ownership to land being farmed by tribals or forest dwellers subject to a maximum of four hectares; rights to use minor forest produce, grazing areas and pastoral routes; relief and development rights, which include rehabilitation in case of illegal eviction or forced displacement and to basic amenities subject to restrictions for forest protection; and forest management right but the ST communities here are denied the rights in J&K which is unjust and unfair. He threatens to move to Supreme court of India to get justice for community. Meanwhile a delegation of Gujjars under the chairmanship of Haji Shamsher Ali Boken, State President of Jammu Kashmir Gujjar Bakerwal Joint Forum met various high officials, Ministers and urged them to intervene and demanded immediate restoration of piece of land to nomad Gujjars of Vijay Pur.
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