JDA victimizing senior citizen, file not cleared even after 7 years.
Age 77 years and struggling for last seven years, Madan Mohan, a victim of Jammu Development Authority (JDA). He is among several other displaced shopkeepers who were thrown out of their shops and now they are not even able to buy bread and butter for their families. Perhaps, without bribe a file takes more than seven years to move from one table to another in the JDA. But what about those who cannot afford to buy them; they may also have to face the same apathetic behavior as this senior citizen is facing since 2002. Though the officers at the helm of affairs promise total transparency and accountability in the department, but it is confined up to papers.
In the year 2002, Madan Mohan had been allotted two shops at Transport Nagar, Narwal Jammu under rehabilitation scheme. Prior to year 2002, this elderly man was doing the business of transportation at Ware House, Jammu under the name and style as Sher-I-Kashmir Roadways since 1980. When the JDA demolished his shop, he was promised by the JDA to get allotment of two shops under rehabilitation scheme, in fact, in the same month JDA issued allotment letter to Madan Mohan Vide. No: JDA/TPY/327 dated 30/09/2002 and asked him to deposit a sum of RS. 88,890/- (eighty eight thousand, eight hundred and ninety) within a period of one month.
He deposited the total amount on 07/10/2002 vide JDA receipt no. 3488. But since then this elderly man has been made to run from pillar to post. From the last seven years, he is empty handed and burdened with Loans which he had taken to pay to the JDA for allotment of shops, neither he got possession of shops nor repay of his money. Once, Madan Mohan was asked to take possession of one shop as interim relief but later on the JDA officers backtracked from their promise and did not allow him even a single shop. Besides his old age, Madan Mohan has also the responsibility of his Son’s widow and minor School going Children. The Jammu Development Authority is busy in allotting new sites both commercial and other categories but it has no time to resolve the genuine issues pending with it for the years together, at least the rehabilitation cases should be given priority and disposed of accordingly. The snail-pace of JDA compels people like Madan Mohan to demand rename of the JDA as JBA (JEB BARO AGENCY). The man in his last years of life is being harassed, mentally tortured and victimized by the the JDA. The Jammu Development Authority has no reason to explain as why even after 7 years of full and final payment by the applicant, possession is not made to him?. The JDA must answer that who is responsible for the vulnerable condition of Madan Mohan and his Family who was dispossessed from his shop by the JDA in the year 2002. ?
The JDA should disclose whether they would give possession to Madan Mohan in his life or not? or they have arbitrary allotted the same shops to some other party after taking bribe ?
The people of the state would also like to know, would the JDA listen the rightful claim of the senior Citizen and do the just with him or continue to harass him?
A high level probe may be ordered to bring the guilty officer into light so that people like Madan Mohan do not face such dictatorial attitude of the authorities and the cases completed in a timeframe manner.
“I will not quit, no matters if I am sick and old. They believe in culture of bribe and corruption but my faith is in the law of the land. I will win justice, may be after my death but will never compromise. In the lat seven years they have cleared hundred of cases of allotment and possession but my case was deliberately kept pending because the officers there were expecting bribe which I didn’t make. Let them test my patience and I will continue to be in struggle for justice. I have to repay the loan which I had taken to pay to the JDA for allotment of Shops but I have nothing, even my minor school going grand children are facing problem in their school as their school fees has not been deposited for months now. When Omar Abdullah took over as C.M of the state I was renewed with hopes that at least now his government will do justice to me, but perhaps the government machinery remained busy in elections. Now once again I request the concerned authorities and officers of the JDA to do justice with me and save my family from being ruined”.
Age 77 years and struggling for last seven years, Madan Mohan, a victim of Jammu Development Authority (JDA). He is among several other displaced shopkeepers who were thrown out of their shops and now they are not even able to buy bread and butter for their families. Perhaps, without bribe a file takes more than seven years to move from one table to another in the JDA. But what about those who cannot afford to buy them; they may also have to face the same apathetic behavior as this senior citizen is facing since 2002. Though the officers at the helm of affairs promise total transparency and accountability in the department, but it is confined up to papers.
In the year 2002, Madan Mohan had been allotted two shops at Transport Nagar, Narwal Jammu under rehabilitation scheme. Prior to year 2002, this elderly man was doing the business of transportation at Ware House, Jammu under the name and style as Sher-I-Kashmir Roadways since 1980. When the JDA demolished his shop, he was promised by the JDA to get allotment of two shops under rehabilitation scheme, in fact, in the same month JDA issued allotment letter to Madan Mohan Vide. No: JDA/TPY/327 dated 30/09/2002 and asked him to deposit a sum of RS. 88,890/- (eighty eight thousand, eight hundred and ninety) within a period of one month.
He deposited the total amount on 07/10/2002 vide JDA receipt no. 3488. But since then this elderly man has been made to run from pillar to post. From the last seven years, he is empty handed and burdened with Loans which he had taken to pay to the JDA for allotment of shops, neither he got possession of shops nor repay of his money. Once, Madan Mohan was asked to take possession of one shop as interim relief but later on the JDA officers backtracked from their promise and did not allow him even a single shop. Besides his old age, Madan Mohan has also the responsibility of his Son’s widow and minor School going Children. The Jammu Development Authority is busy in allotting new sites both commercial and other categories but it has no time to resolve the genuine issues pending with it for the years together, at least the rehabilitation cases should be given priority and disposed of accordingly. The snail-pace of JDA compels people like Madan Mohan to demand rename of the JDA as JBA (JEB BARO AGENCY). The man in his last years of life is being harassed, mentally tortured and victimized by the the JDA. The Jammu Development Authority has no reason to explain as why even after 7 years of full and final payment by the applicant, possession is not made to him?. The JDA must answer that who is responsible for the vulnerable condition of Madan Mohan and his Family who was dispossessed from his shop by the JDA in the year 2002. ?
The JDA should disclose whether they would give possession to Madan Mohan in his life or not? or they have arbitrary allotted the same shops to some other party after taking bribe ?
The people of the state would also like to know, would the JDA listen the rightful claim of the senior Citizen and do the just with him or continue to harass him?
A high level probe may be ordered to bring the guilty officer into light so that people like Madan Mohan do not face such dictatorial attitude of the authorities and the cases completed in a timeframe manner.
“I will not quit, no matters if I am sick and old. They believe in culture of bribe and corruption but my faith is in the law of the land. I will win justice, may be after my death but will never compromise. In the lat seven years they have cleared hundred of cases of allotment and possession but my case was deliberately kept pending because the officers there were expecting bribe which I didn’t make. Let them test my patience and I will continue to be in struggle for justice. I have to repay the loan which I had taken to pay to the JDA for allotment of Shops but I have nothing, even my minor school going grand children are facing problem in their school as their school fees has not been deposited for months now. When Omar Abdullah took over as C.M of the state I was renewed with hopes that at least now his government will do justice to me, but perhaps the government machinery remained busy in elections. Now once again I request the concerned authorities and officers of the JDA to do justice with me and save my family from being ruined”.
Madan Mohan Sharma,
Age, 77 years.
A victim of JDA
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